Patrick County Deputy Faith Hubbard caught stealing and destroying ballistic evidence in a shooting. 

– Defense attorneys pay attention! Any deputy that would tamper with evidence would also plant it.

The following Statement was made by Steve Marshall of 140 Riverside Drive in Stuart VA.

In the early morning hours on 2.27.21 someone, presumably Norman Gayle Cummings Jr shot through our fence in the general direction of our house. The Sheriffs department was called and two deputies showed up. The deputies investigation consisted of a brief look around to see where the shot might have hit. Secondly, by knocking on the Cummings door and inquiring politely if he had made the shot. To be fair to the deputies it was quite dark and would have been difficult to see the evidence. I do however believe that they should have taken the shooting more seriously considering the threats made against Steve Marshalls life by Norman Cummings Jr.

In this Sheriffs Department body camera video, Norman Cummings Jr. is addressing Patrick County Deputy Ronald “Ronnie” Williams. He makes the threat to kill and recounts how he had made the same threat to Deputy Brian Hubbard.

The following morning a neighbor stopped over to inquire about the incident and in short order she had located clear evidence of the shooting. Owing to the privacy screening installed on our fence it was clear that there was a shotgun blast and that the general direction of the shot was toward our house. The Neighbor also located actual shot pellets stuck in the fabric of the fence privacy screening. The pellets had lost velocity at the extreme end of the shot pattern. and had left behind that physical evidence. Again the sheriffs department was called and Deputy Faith Hubbard responded.

In this video Deputy Hubbard (no relation to Deputy Brian Hubbard) was shown the very obvious blast holes and shot pattern. Deputy Hubbard can also be seen taking pictures and then removing the pellets from the fence.

When she had removed every pellet that could be found she indicated that she was going to get an evidence bag.

If you watch her hand as she returns to her car you can see her sprinkle pellets out of her hand onto the ground. This effort can be seen multiple times. First she drops some into the grass before she reaches the fence line to exit the back yard and more into the stone driveway as she approaches the rear of her patrol car. If you continue to watch the hand that she held the evidence in, she pantomimes with that hand going into the car for the evidence bag.

This was all clearly an act. It is very evident that she preserved none of the evidence.

As you continue watching the video you can see where Deputy Faith Hubbard goes next door to Deputy Brian Hubbard’s Rental property and discusses the situation with the shooting suspect, Brian Hubbard’s tenant Norman Cummings Jr.

After the discussion with the neighbor Deputy Hubbard backs onto the right of way road and gets on her cellphone for a discussion with an unknown party or group of people. We believe this may include communication with Commonwealth attorney Stephanie Brinegar-Vipperman, Sherriff Dan Smith, Investigator Brian Hubbard or someone else. Whoever she was talking to may have been responsible for ordering the coverup for this shooting. This is of course speculation on my part as I was not a party to the conversation.

Following her phone time, Deputy Hubbard returned to the Marshall property and immediately after turning off her body camera stated that she did not know what this was but it wasn’t a shooting and that there were three sides to every story.

All videos on this page may be used however you like so long as reposts retain the original theme of the activities in the videos.

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